Sponsored by ’Racing For Flint’ supporters

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YEA! Virtual Summer Camp is an online destination where students 5th to 12th grades can be introduced to entrepreneurship.

Through live sessions, custom e-learning modules, worksheets, and online games, students will learn how to take an idea and bring it to life.

Check out a virtual tour of the summer camp!

Participants will Be able to remember and understand:

  • financial terminology

  • analyze business concepts

  • evaluate business strategies

and apply it to their own businesses and career goals.

The opportunity GAP

Many students are not given the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship.
This summer camp closes the opportunity gap and empowers students to fulfill more of their potential.

1. 89.7% of high school participants are potentially interested in starting their own businesses.

2.  94.9% of these participants would like to attend an entrepreneurship workshop.

3. 100% of these participants have not taken an entrepreneurship workshop at all.

In partnership with Elevate Your G.A.M.E.



After this water crisis is fixed, the youth will still suffer from long term effects of lead poisoning. Lead poisoning can negatively effect academic performance, graduation rates, and employment opportunities.


Youth entrepreneurship programming is my contribution to communities like Flint, MI.


The entrepreneurial mindset will empower youth to explore alternate means to create opportunities for themselves through financial literacy and business development.

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This summer camp is free.

Supporters of my Racing for Flint campaign have sponsored one free month of July.

Live Sessions begin July 6 - 10th, 2020 at 2pm (PST)/5pm (EST)