Testimonials and Credibility: Let The People Speak For You

Testimonials and Credibility: Let The People Speak For You

Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, everyone wants to start a podcast, everyone wants to be Brooklyn, everyone wants to be special.  Dash Parr (Incredibles) once said “If everyone is special, then no one is.” Relax, I’m just deflecting.

But seriously, I’m sure you have an amazing idea, and you are striving for excellence.  People like us, want to make the world a better place...in our own ways. Most people will not pursue their passions, and you know that. You also know that you have a great concept that The People will appreciate.

But what do the people say about you?

In order to be competitive, in order to stand out, in order to create impact, we need credibility.  I know you are great, but says who? Bringing a concept to life requires vulnerability, while everyone watches.  That is why it is very important to involve your biggest supporters along your journey. If you are working on a passion project, let your people know!  Share your ideas with them. No matter what stage you are in, let the people know. Because when you reach a milestone, the people will say “ I was there.”

“If it’s a good business concept, then prove it.” ...says Everyone.

Now what?

  • Let your people know that you’re working on something.  *Then ask them if they need help with anything.*

  • Make a list of all the people you have ever worked with

  • Draft an email requesting their honest experience with your work.  Be brief, but thorough.

  • Everyone’s busy, offer to draft your own testimony and ask for their approval.

  • Let the people know when you need their testimonies by.  If you don’t have a real date, then make it up! But nothing more than a week.

  • Collect and post the testimonies on your site, social media and LinkedIn.

*Reciprocation is a Life Code.  Offer help to those that we ask from.

Let the people speak for you.

Proof of Concept: Prove It!

How I Started: What They Didn’t Tell Me (series)

How I Started: What They Didn’t Tell Me (series)