Pop Up Markets
Pop-up markets are temporary shopping experiences that gather different businesses and vendors to sell products directly to the consumer. Pop-up markets are great opportunities to test your proof of concept. You can invest in a booth fee, and introduce your business concept to your target audience. The proof of concept allows you to start generating revenue on your own. Having direct access to your audience to collect feedback, and also access to direct competitors. Your Minimal viable product (MVP) should require a small investment in exchange for exposure, feedback, and competitive analysis.
Investors and lenders are going to want to see how much money you put into the business. And most importantly, they want to know how much money you can generate on your own.
Top 5: What You Need At Your First Pop Up
A game plan, and overview (a template)
Date of event
Booth Fee
Expected headcount
Estimated amount of vendors, and who the vendors are
Direct and Indirect Expenses
How much money do you plan on making
Permits and licenses
Health Insurance, Certificate of Insurance
Street vendor permit
Food handler permit
Authority to collect sales tax
Google you city’s “vendor permits” for more information
Examine the landscape/Checklist
Make friends with coordinator, they may put your booth in a prime location, if you charm them a lil.
Find out who vended there previously, ask them for insight
Arrive first
Anything and everything can go wrong, the earlier you arrive, the better to prepare for any unforeseen issues. Defense wins championships
Selling Out is never a good.
If you sell out too early, you’ve underestimated yourself
Came unprepared
Missed out on revenue
Keep in Mind
Check the weather forecast the night before and first thing in the morning
A cloudy day directly affects attendance