VOlunteers Wanted!


  • Guest Speakers (:45 min session)

  • Advisory Board

  • Administrative

  • Facilitators


You're receiving this form because Ronnie Johnson knows you are someone special and because he believes in you...and you probably helped him out along the way.

This also means that you know what he's working on...teaching kids how to make money and implement the entrepreneurial mindset.

Lastly, you know and he knows,that the world will be better place if you were to share your story with our youth now...and not later.

Thanks in advance,

Ron :)


You probably want more details…

I’m hosting my very own virtual destination for youth to learn about entrepreneurship. While I am teaching the kids about mission statements and business valuations, I want to connect the kids with real entrepreneurs. I want the kids to gain direct access to inspirational people that are humbly chasing the dream at the same time. I want the kids to know the real lessons about what it takes to bring an idea to life and how to generate revenue.

My main goal…the entrepreneurial mindset.

If one of my students are interviewing for their first job, without work experience, they will know how to analyze a Profit and Loss statement.

…and you are going to be a part of their story.